We have a few images of extended heels on the foot to give you a better sense of a typical fit for the shoes. These images are of rope horse hind feet shod by Mike Chance, CJF. He used Kerckhaert SX-8 unclipped shoes for the modification. [more]
Everyone has horses that are either aged or have conformation issues – or both. These horses can be made more comfortable with the application of shoes that will support the limb, while making it easier for the horse to move. Kerckhaert has a wide range of styles for this purpose. While any number of flat shoes can be modified for the same purpose, these shoes make your job more efficient and effective. [more]
By Doug Workman CJF
This is a show Hunter that has just finished a long show season. He has come into my life for a little light training and to let mind, body and feet have a much needed break. The life of a show horse being what it is, the farriers that work on them during the show season really have their hands full keeping these horses showing and sound. The fact that the horses have limited turnout, two to three baths a day and a variety of footing to deal with makes keeping them sound a tough job. My hat is off to these farriers. [more]
by Dave Farley CF
In this article, I will show you how I shoe a horse with a mild heel shear. In future articles, we will deal with the two severe stages that I call sheared heels. I will not attempt to diagnose the cause of this condition, which is explained in several great textbooks. Instead, I will shoe the horse just as I do in my everyday practice. [more]
By Doug Workman CJF
We all have these horses on our books. They are heading down the back side of the hill in their working life and they need a little help from the farrier. Now I’m not talking about crippled or lam horses per say, just horses with minor problems that are acquired from a long active life. This particular horse we will call Sugar Lump is just such a horse. Sugar Lump is a Hunter and lives the typical hunter life of bath in the morning, training, bath again, 3 to 4 days a week and shows on the weekends with more baths. I don’t really understand all the bathing but it’s hard on the feet. Aside from the feet being wet all the time things tend to get a little loose and run forward with age. [more]